EUROSTRUCT2023 - Paper Submission - EUROSTRUCT

by EuroStruct 2018
2 years ago

Paper Submission

To ensure that it is possible to publish your paper it is essential that all authors strictly follow the guidelines and formatting instructions for the submission of all papers.

The editorial office decides whether to accept or reject articles submitted according to technical and scientific criteria. By submitting a paper, the author agrees to ad-here to the following conditions:

  • Articles and essays have to be written by the author himself/herself. He or she must also be the copyright holder of all illustrative material submitted (photo-graphs, drawings). Fees requested subsequently by third parties must be paid by the author.
  • The editorial office has the right to change, to sup-plement or to shorten the text according to language style, structure or content, or to ask the author to do so. Changes may also become necessary due to the particular scientific position of the journal. If the au-thor does not agree to such alterations, he/she may withdraw the article.

The publishers Ernst & Sohn provide a style sheet for creating copy for use with the Microsoft Office word pro-cessing system. This document was created with this style sheet as an example, so you can delete the content and work with it directly. Please note that the journal ce/papers is published in either English.


For submission of manuscripts, please use the online portal “Scholar-One Manuscripts”.

Please make sure that in addition to the submission of your main document you should create a ZIP file contain-ing all your images/figures from the main document and upload this file separately. When encountering any issues during the process please turn to Esther Schleidweiler ( for assistance.

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