by EuroStruct 2018
3 years ago

COVID-19 Protocol

The Organizing Committee is happy to inform that finally EUROSTRUCT2021 Conference will run in presence, in addition allowing the possibility to join the event also as remote attendant. At the present time, we have about a 80% of the registered participants that have decided to come to Padova and join in person EUROSTRUCT2021, as one of the first scientific conference again in presence as prior to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic reality.

We are aware that health safety of the attendees is one of our most relevant objectives, and to ensure such aim, in addition to current Italian regulations that from August 6, 2021 require the EU Green Pass* to have access to public conferences and exhibitions (i.e. mandatory also for EUROSTRUCT2021), we will ask to the participants as further safeguard measure a negative COVID test (RAT within 48 hours or PCR within 72 hours, prior to have access to EUROSTRUCT2021).

The Organizing Committee has organized in the Hall Venue a COVID-19 testing workstation where attendants can have free access to RAT COVID-19 tests without any additional cost**. The attendant can also autonomously carry out an equivalent test at any authorized pharmacy/laboratory, but charging his/herself the testing costs. Alternatively, an autotest can be also accepted, providing to the registration desk the compiled and signed attached form.

We wish to express our special thanks to all the members of the Organising Committee, Scientific Committee, Technical Secretariat and Local Organizers, for excellently mastering the preparations of this promising event under the difficult circumstances of the past year and months.

We look forward to meeting you in presence in Padova to exchange the latest knowledge in quality control of bridges and structures.

The Organizing Committee

* in any case the EU Green Pass will be verified prior to have access to EUROSTRUCT2021 conference
** tests carried out at the conference Venue will provide you the EU Green Pass