Keynote Lectures - EUROSTRUCT

by EuroStruct 2018
4 years ago

Keynote Lectures

<em>An Overview of Regional Risk and Resilience Analysis</em> Paolo Gardoni University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA <i>30th August at 14.00 CEST</i>

Paolo Gardoni
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Paolo Gardoni is the Alfredo H. Ang Family Professor and an Excellence Faculty Scholar in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a Professor in the Department of Biomedical and Translational Sciences in the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, and a Fellow of the Office of Risk Management & Insurance Research in the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Gardoni is the Director of the MAE Center an NSF-funded Engineering Research Center that focuses on creating a Multi-hazard Approach to Engineering. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Reliability Engineering and System Safety published by Elsevier, and the founder and former Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure published by Taylor and Francis Group. Prof. Gardoni is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association (CERRA), of the Advisory Council of the International Forum on Engineering Decision Making (IFED), and of a number of national and international committees and associations that focus on risk, reliability, and resilience analysis. His research interests include sustainable and resilient infrastructure; reliability, risk and life cycle analysis; decision-making under uncertainty; performance assessment of deteriorating systems; modeling of natural hazards and societal impact; ethical, social and legal dimensions of risk; optimal strategies for natural hazard mitigation and disaster recovery; impact of climate change; and engineering ethics. Prof. Gardoni is the author of over 160 refereed journal papers, 27 book chapters and 7 edited volumes, and has delivered over 50 invited, plenary or keynote lectures. He has received over $50 million in research funding from multiple national and international agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Qatar National Research Funds (QNRF), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

<em>Distributed optical fiber sensors in Structural Health Monitoring</em> Joan R. Casas Technical University of Catalonia, Spain <i>31st August at 09.45 CEST</i>

Joan R. Casas
Technical University of Catalonia – BARCELONATECH

Ph. D. in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), 1988. M.S. in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), 1984. Since 1999, he has been a Professor of Bridge Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering (UPC). His main fields of research are Bridge Safety and Durability, Reliability-based Inspection and Management of Concrete Bridges, Structural Health Monitoring, Life-cycle of bridges, Concrete Bridge Design, and Construction.
Participation in European Project TRUSS (Training in Reducing Uncertainty in Structural Safety) with research in the subject of structural health monitoring of concrete elements based on distributed fiber-optic sensors. Vice-Chair of the COST Action TU1406: Quality Specifications for Roadway Bridges: standardization at European level.
Secretary-General of IABMAS (International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety) since 1999, Chairman of Working Commission I on Structural Performance, Safety, and Analysis of IABSE (2009-2013) and Vice-chairman of the same Commission from 2005 to 2009. Managing Editor for Europe and Associate Editor of the Journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2004-present. Associate Editor of the Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE). Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in the Built Environment-Bridge Section. Author or co-author of 12 books and 14 chapters of books, 130 papers in refereed technical journals, and over 400 communications to international scientific meetings. Participation in more than 100 consulting and advising works related to bridges for private companies and public institutions. He has been visiting professor in several universities in South America, Europe, India, and Japan.

<em>Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems under Lifetime Hazards in a Life-Cycle Optimization Framework</em> Dan Frangopol Lehigh University, USA <i>31st August at 14.00 CEST</i>

Dan Frangopol
Lehigh University

Dan M. Frangopol is the inaugural holder of the Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture at Lehigh University. Before joining Lehigh University in 2006, he was Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he is now Professor Emeritus. His main research interests are in the development and application of probabilistic concepts and methods to civil and marine engineering. He is recognized as a leader in the field of life-cycle engineering of civil and marine structures under various types of hazards. Dr. Frangopol is the Founding President of both the International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) and the International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE). He has authored/co-authored 3 books, more than 50 book chapters, and over 420 articles in archival journals including 11 prize winning papers. He is the Founding Editor of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering and of the Book Series Structures and Infrastructures. Dr. Frangopol is the recipient of several medals, awards, and prizes, from ASCE, IABSE, IASSAR, ISHMII, SAE and other professional organizations, such as the Newmark, Freudenthal, Housner, Lin, Khan, Mufti, and Croes Medals, the Ang, Howard, Moisseiff, Outstanding Paper (OPA), and Civil Engineer of the Year Awards, the Munro, Noble, Reese and Wellington Prizes, and the Lifetime Achievement Award in Education (OPAL), to name a few. He has served as technical consultant or advisor to companies, organizations and government agencies in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Dr. Frangopol delivered many plenary/keynote lectures at international conferences and several named lectures. He holds 4 honorary doctorates and 14 honorary professorships from major universities. He is an Elected Member of the US National Academy of Construction, a Foreign Member of the Academy of Europe (London), a Foreign Associate of the Engineering Academy of Japan, a Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, an Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy, an Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, and a Distinguished Member of ASCE.

<em>Application of the new Italian guidelines on existing bridges: first results and open problems</em> Walter Salvatore University of Pisa, Italy <i>1st September at 10.15 CEST</i>

Walter Salvatore
University of Pisa

Walter Salvatore is Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Pisa (SSD ICAR/09). From 2015, President of the Council of the Interclass Master Degree Course in Environmental and Structural Engineering and of the Master Degree Course in Hydraulic, Transport and Territory Engineering. He was Pro-rector for the Buildings and Heritage of the University of Pisa and now he is Pro-rector for the Buildings of the University of Pisa. He is teaching at University of Pisa the courses of Earthquake Engineering, foundation Structures and Structural Design. Prof. Salvatore is the coordinator of 5 research projects and Scientific Project Head for the University of Pisa of 13 research Projects at internatio-nal level. He is Scientific Project Head of more than 50 research contracts with public bo-dies and private operators. He is Scientific Coordinator Project Head of national and inter-national research on the classification, control and monitoring of railway and motorway bridges.
Prof. Salvatore is the president of FABRE Consortium, that does research on the evalua-tion and monitoring of existing bridges, viaducts and other structures.
Since 2006, he is an Expert Member, named by the Research Directorate-General, Direc-torate G – Industrial Technologies of the European Commission, of Technical Group Steel 8, Steel products and applications for building, construction and industry, for the valorisa-tion and the monitoring of research projects funded by RFCS: Research Fund for Coal and Steel and ECSC: European Committee for Coal and Steel.
Since 2007 Prof. Salvatore is a Member, elected, of the Steering Committee of ANIDIS, the “Associazione Nazionale Italiana di Ingegneria Sismica” and a Member, elected by the President of the “Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici”, of several working groups and technical commissions for standardization. From 2017 to 2020, he was an Expert Member of the “Consiglio Superiore del Lavori Pubblici” and from 2020, Prof. Salvatore is an ex-officio Member of the “Consiglio Superiore del Lavori Pubblici” in the three-year period 2020-2023, and member of the “Sezioni I e III” of the same Committee.
In 2020 he was a Member of the technical commission appointed by the Minister of Infra-structures for the determination of the causes of the collapse of the bridge over the Magra river between Albiano and Caprigliola.