Registration - EUROSTRUCT

by Boutik Studio
4 years ago

Registration Fees

Registration typeEarly Bird Fee
until 15/06/2021
Regular Fee
after 15/06/2021
On site
EUROSTRUCT Member *500 €550 €650 €
Non-Member *625 €675 €775 €
Non-Member PLUS (Includes a One Year EUROSTRUCT membership) *675 €725 €825 €
Young Engineer ≤ 25 years
(Born after 01/01/1997) **
200 €250 €350 €
Young Engineer ≤ 30 years
(Born after 01/01/1992) **
300 €350 €450 €
Accompanying Person (family members only)100 €100 €200 €
Gala Dinner70 €70 €70 €
Social Event #1 - The University of Padova Botanical Garden - 30/08/2021--7.8 €
(groups of 25)
Social Event #2 - The Scrovegni Chapel + Eremitani Palace - 31/08/2021--10 € - 14 €
Technical Tour - FIP MEC S.r.l. headquarters - 01/09/2021--free
Attendant 3 days ***250 €300 €350 €
Attendant 1 day ***125 €150 €175 €
Student/Young ≤ 25 years
(Born after 01/01/1997) attendant 3 days ***
150 €200 €250 €
Student/Young ≤ 25 years
(Born after 01/01/1997) attendant 1 day ***
75 €100 €125 €
Remote attendant 3 days ***200 €250 €-
Remote attendant 1 day ***100 €125 €-
Student/Young ≤ 25 years
(Born after 01/01/1997) remote attendant 3 days ***
100 €150 €-
Student/Young ≤ 25 years
(Born after 01/01/1997) remote attendant 1 day ***
50 €75 €

* Participation and attendance with a maximum number of 2 papers/posters.
** Participation and attendance with a maximum number of 1 paper/poster.
***Attendance/Remote attendance with NO presentation.
Registration fees are VAT excluded

  • Registration fees (*) and (**) include:
    • Congress bag and USB stick with abstracts
    • Certificate of attendance
    • Access to all scientific sessions & Opening and Closing Ceremony
    • Access to exhibition
    • Lunch and Coffee Breaks
    • Welcome Reception
    • Paper Indexing
    • Some technical and social tours
  • Accompanying person fee includes:
    • Opening and Closing Ceremony
    • Access to Exhibition
    • Welcome Reception
    • Some Social Tours

Terms and Conditions
In order for their papers to be included in the Conference Proceedings and the Technical Programme, the authors must register until July 15, 2021.
Young Engineers attendees must send via e-mail to the Conference Secretariat, a copy of their ID card.
Payment Confirmation Notifications will be sent to your email address, once your payment is processed successfully. For online payment, please print the confirmation of the bank. No other confirmation will be sent.

Refund Policy
Paid registrants (non-authors) who cannot attend, and do not send a substitute will be refunded if a request is received in writing one month before the conference, but there will be a cancellation fee of 100€. Registrants are liable for their full fees after that date (i.e., NO refund will be made). There will be no refunds to authors of papers.

Please indicate in the “Notes” section of the registration form the paper IDs linked to the registration.