Short Bio
Prof Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Keßler holds the professorship for engineering materials and building preservation at the Helmut‐Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg. Her education includes a master degree in civil engineering from RWTH Aachen University and a PhD from Technical University of Munich. Prof Keßler has over 15 years research experience in durability and service life design of reinforced concrete structures with special focus on reinforcement corrosion. Her research activities include as well NDE technologies (testing and monitoring), condition assessment and rehabilitation of concrete structures considering the need for ensuring sustainability. Among others, Prof Keßler is convener of the fib TG 3.3. “Existing Concrete Structures: Life Management, Testing and Structural Health Monitoring” and chairs the RILEM TC ECS “Assessment of electrochemical methods to study corrosion of steel in concrete”.
Reinforced concrete structures constitute the basis of our infrastructure. Their functionality and structural safety is essential to maintain our mobility and the industrial performance of our societies. Most industrial countries are faced with the fact that the reliability of their infrastructure has decreased over the past decades due to ageing and associated durability issues. Most often reinforcement corrosion is the major problem with respect to ageing phenomena observed. This talk presents a comprehensive overview on corrosion mechanism in reinforced concrete structures including their associated condition assessment. Therefore, data from corrosion inspection / monitoring are of major importance to assist engineers in the maintenance process. The presentation includes testing and monitoring methods on order to gather reliable information about the corrosion condition state. Furthermore, information from corrosion inspection data enable the probabilistic update of the corrosion condition of reinforced concrete structures. In addition, the talk provides an overview on how to repair corrosion induced damage and what to consider in the durability design to ensure the design service life.
YouTube video available here
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Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels