Managing the infrastructure assets at ASFINAG - EUROSTRUCT

by EuroStruct 2018
2 years ago

Short Bio
Dr. Thomas Moser is working for the Austrian motorway and expressway operator ASFINAG. His responsibilities in the department Asset Management include the development of the maintenance strategy and the preparation of the forecast for long-term budget requirements in maintenance. Prior to this, Dr. Moser worked as a structural engineer and project manager in two civil engineering companies in the field of bridge construction. His doctoral thesis dealt with the probabilistic recalculation of existing bridge structures.

ASFINAG, Austria’s motorway and expressway operator, manages about 2,250 km of tolled roadway network and about 18,000 engineering structures. The presentation will give an overview of the approach and strategies of maintenance with a focus on structural engineering. In addition, some of the management tools used to support target achievement on the one hand and monitoring on the other hand will be presented. Finally, an insight into the handling of existing bridge structures (need for recalculation – maintenance – renewal) in the ASFINAG network will be given.

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Deadline: 13/06/2022 @ 16:00 CET

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Photo by Aleksejs Bergmanis from Pexels